CREATED Project Compendium

Author : Indecon | 2019

Creative Entrepreneurship For Accelerating Tourism And Local Economic Development (CREATED) Project was implemented from March 2016 to August 2019. More than 1.000 people (79% are women of various age) both were trained in technical skills for producing various community products; as well as financial and managerial skills; while more than 200 government officers had participated in sustainable tourism trainings. Out of these capacity building, more than 30 variants of new products had been created, including food-based products, craft products, homestay and culinary products, as well as tour products. Moreover, more than 16 community-based production groups had been established, which ensure the production of these new-creative products. The group members are local communities; who are currently benefitting from additional income of the production. Capacity building, assistance, and other supports had increased alternative income for tourism villages besides from ticket or donation and increased capacity of local communities to manage tourism activities; thus able to take benefit from tourism. Number of tourist arrivals at target villages also showed an increase. CREATED project compendium highlighted the achievements of all stakeholders involved in this project. Moreover, the compendium also shared valuable never-written-before points about our approach towards linking [eco]tourism with local economic development, the challenges, the lesson learnt.

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