INFEST project on WTTC’s Global Tourism for Tomorrow Awards 2016

Indecon has been selected as one of the Finalist for Tourism for Tomorrow Awards 2016, granted by World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). Indecon as finalist for community awards, regarded as the most committed organizations in the sustainable tourism leadership in local community development, empowerment and cultural heritage. It is a global scale, prestigious and honored rewarding Award in tourism sector. Although the Award has been nominated for Indecon, two of Indecon’s EU co-funded INFEST project have been particularly promoted. Highlighting this, the WTTC On-Site Evaluator, Prof. Kumi Kato, had visited three INFEST villages (Liang Ndara, Waerebo, Tololela, Tado) and directly assess the Indecon’s activities in field. In this case, Indecon believe that this Awards will also boost out project. The Awarding will take place at the Global Summit in Dallas on 6-7th April. The Awards Ceremony and the Global Summit sessions will be live streamed online on WTTC’s website. Online audience will be able to view them on the homepage, once summit starts and follow along on Twitter (@WTTC). Other related publication is available on various WTTC communication media.