Local Climate Change Adaptation Guide for Pangandaran

Author : Indecon & Adelphi | 2016

Pangandaran is a popular tourist destination on the southern coast of Java, located in Pangandaran District, West Java, Indonesia. It has high vulnerability towards the impact of climate change. The guideline presented background information of Pangandaran tourism destination, theory on climate change, as well as templates for future work; which were compiled by the project partners together with local stakeholders. The guide offers a structured approach to adaptation, which consisted of (1) Description of background information on climate change and adaptation, (2) Information on past and future climate change in Pangandaran, (3) Background and method to approach climate change adaptation in coastal communities, (4) Results of project meetings with the stakeholders; (5) Examples of participatory rural appraisal tools to support the work with the communities The Local Adaptation Guide (LAG) for Pangandaran was intended to serve as a resource document and encourages the users to collect and add further information on community approaches towards climate change adaptation.

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