Critical Review on Tourism Development and Spatial Planning of Tourism Attractions at Raja Ampat Regency

Critical Review on Tourism Development and Spatial Planning of Tourism Attractions at Raja Ampat Regency

Raja Ampat tourism development is a good for the regional economy; however, there are also many challenges especially ensuring that tourism development and its associated investment are in line with environmental conservation and sustainable tourism principles. For this reason, YKI tried to understand the existing problems in the region and how these are influenced by various applicable laws and regulations. The Review Study of Raja Ampat Tourism Development Policy provided strategic input not only in the preparation of other master plans, detailed plans for tourist attractions, and other supporting regulations, but also in the implementation of the other policies.


December 2022 – September 2023

Project Component

  1. Reviewing development policies affecting Raja Ampat tourism development
  2. Developing spatial plan for five tourism villages at Raja Ampat Regency (Arborek, Pam, Saukabu, Saupapir, and Solol)
  3. Workshops with communities, local governments, and tourism industries in Raja Ampat
  4. Mini training for local communities in community based tourism development


Raja Ampat Regency


  1. Critical Review of Raja Ampat Tourism Development Policy
  2. Spatial Plan of Tourism Villages in Raja Ampat Regency (Arborek, Pam, Saukabu, Saupapir, and Solol)
  3. Draft of Regent Regulation on Management of Tourism Attraction

Donor & Partners

The project is funded by Yayasan Konservasi Indonesia (YKI)

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