Clungup Mangrove Conservation Tiga Warna

Clungup Mangrove Conservation Tiga Warna

Clungup Mangrove Conservation Tiga Warna (CMC Tiga Warna) is located in Tambakrejo, Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang. The ecotourism is managed by the local community of Sendangbiru who are members of the Bhakti Alam Sendang Biru Foundation. The number of people involved reached 107 people. Most of the community used to work as forest loggers, fishermen who caught fish in a non-eco-friendly way, and wood thieves. Education and socialization are carried out intensively, aiming to bring behavior changes. Currently, they are involved as tour guides, coast guards, and other ecotourism activities. The management principle is oriented towards Ecology, Social, and Economy. The CMC Tiga Warna area is divided into two conservation areas, namely the Mangrove conservation area (Clungup Beach and Gatra Beach) and the coral reef conservation area (Sapana Beach, Mini Beach, Batu Pecah Beach, and Tiga Warna Beach). The total area is 117 ha consisting of 71 ha of mangroves, 10 ha of coral reefs, and 36 ha of protected forest.

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