Understanding Tourism Product Trends Post-COVID-19 Pandemic, Online Training
The tourism market, in general, has always evolved following era development and technology advances. This has also led to the changes in behaviour, wants, and needs of tourists which as a result also changes its market trends. The following conditions need to be responded by the attraction managers and tourism stakeholders by providing and developing tourism products which are inline with the market trends. Amid the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic where there are limitations of actions and the need to adapt to the new normal, this has certainly impacted tourist’s lifestyle, behaviour, and needs. Tourists become more aware and concerned over health issues. However, before responding to the market trends and starting back tourism business, we need to take important notes to prepare ourselves and adapt to this change to prevent the spread in tourist sites. The opening of tourism businesses must be well prepared, disciplined, cautious; and implement health protocols. Rush opening of tourist sites without good preparation of health protocols will bring adverse negative impacts.
Seeing the importance of this matter, on Monday, 13th July 2020, Indecon held an online training inviting the youth and travel-conscious-groups in Pangkep District and Barru District to learn about trends and tourism product adaptations post-pandemic. It hopes to be able to increase knowledge and insight to prepare tourists products that consider adaptation and market demand post-pandemic. The subject matter is provided comprehensively by Rifki Sungkar (Indecon) virtually.
The explanation started with a reiteration of different products and services that are included in tourism products, complete with development flow of tourism products to adaptation and market trends post-pandemic. Next, to the attendants that consist of youths, travel-conscious-groups and also the general public, also it was explained about market trends predictions from developed countries; which were (1) tourists travel in small groups with people they trust; (2) the aim of travelling is to gain experience, to take photographs, to go to nature, and it was also predicted that wellness travel will be in demand; (3) tour packages by Tour Operator will still be chosen, but the demands of flexibility will be high; and (4) tourist’s concerns over the living environment, culture, and health are high. These market trends of developed countries have both similarities and differences in Indonesia’s market trends. As for Indonesian market trends are the following, (1) travelling in small groups; (2) the point of travelling are relatively still for taking photographs, the goal and activity towards wellness and experiences in nature will be in great demand; (3) tourists organize their trip; and (4) concerns over health are high. Despite the conditions to this pandemic brings challenges, it does not decrease the intention and passion of the people in Pangkep District and Barru District to learn and take action. On the contrary, Indecon will also continue to support and advice.